Zenith Christ Family Chapel

JOHN 1:14

In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. NIV
ZoeLight Ministries is an end time Evangelical Ministry with a focus on spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the unsaved, and strengthening the people of God through prayer and teaching of the word of God.
As the Lord allows us, we reach out into our communities to help the poor and needy in diverse way through Medical Missions and distribution of food, clothing, books and other needs.

Many people have received miracles and breakthroughs through our Praying Friends morning prayer sessions. Please join us weekday mornings from 5:30am-6:30am for daily devotionals and prayers before you step into the day. Please call into our conference line at 641-715-3810; access code 884193.
We love you and we pray God’s blessings on you, in the name of Jesus.

Our Leadership

Jeniffer Opoku-Asare is an attorney with extensive experience. She has

Dr. Isaac Opoku-Asare, Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine